Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A crazy long time and a crazy lot to say!

I haven't blogged in a very long time now. I could not tell you how much weight I have lost since the last time I posted, but I can tell you that this has been one crazy life these past 3 years.

We left Rantoul (none too soon), Kent has been through 3 jobs and is now settled in a job that he at least enjoys, Kent separated from the military for good, we moved again (this time to stay), I was diagnosed with Cancer, had a hysterectomy, and now we are starting the adoption process. *Whew* That sure was a lot in one big breath.

Now we are raising funds for the adoption. We have held a rummage sale that was highly unsuccessful, nearly as unsuccessful as the t-shirts we had printed. We still have a lot of the things that were donated to us and several of the tshirts. So this time around we are doing an online fundraiser and site. I will provide the links to both of these sites below.

It is so difficult not to get discouraged when looking at the price tag adoption. It breaks my heart to think of how many children go without homes  when there are so many loving people out there longing to be parents. No dollar amount should stop a child from having a loving family.

I beg of you to help, if not us then another family. There are lots out there hoping to one day hold an infant in their arms that they can take home with them.

Here is the link to our You Caring page:
Kent and Raynel + Baby = Family!

This link is for our fundraising page which sells multiple different items and we receive 40% of all sales.
Kent and Raynel Adoption Fund

Visit and Share!

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