I did not think that I was going to post by the week but I suppose that is what I am doing. So the 2.4 pounds I found last Friday, had just come to find 5 friends and run off by Wednesday. Yep that is right in the first 2 weeks I lost 5 pounds. Hmm, I had Long Johns last night bet that means I gained that 5 pounds back. We shall see on Wednesday. I have put in application after application and have yet to hear anything. I am going to start making phone calls on Monday. You know the old, "I put in an application at your business on Blah blah date and I am just checking to see the status of that application. I am really interested in working for your company."
I know sounds like begging right? Well right now I am truly not too proud for that. I made a couple of magazine trees this week and am currently working on a third plus a news paper tree. They are super cute even if they cost a lot of time to make. I want to start selling them gonna have to get on the ball and get quite a few finished. Again wish me luck and send many prayers my way.
Feeling Crazy