So I had an interview today, and well... I thought the interview went well. That is until I had to take the morals and values test. Now I am pretty big on morals and I think my values are pretty decent. I am constantly teaching the kids (and many of the adults) in my life right from wrong. We say please and thank you, we always say pardon me when we need to interrupt for some reason, and God forbid you not excuse yourself when you pass gas. You do not take something unless it is offered to you and you absolutely do not steal. That is just the way I was raised. I try not to lie even though it does happen from time to time, and I try to never chastise others for the way they live and believe. So when I was informed i had failed this test I was shocked to say the least. After reviewing the print out of the negative indicators for this test I am even more shocked and kind of upset at how the computer interpreted my answers.
First it says I believe I am dishonest enough to steal! Uh No! My answer was probably not! However if it came between stealing an apple and my baby going hungry damn straight I would steal that apple.
Next it says I believe someone who drinks alcohol is very acceptable. Yes I do! The question did not state whether or not the person was drinking before a shift or at work. It only said the person drank alcohol. I am perfectly fine with that. I am not however ok with someone drinking to excess or with someone who drinks in the work place or drinks and drives.
Any way those are just two of the ones that really pissed me off. I guess I will be taking this test again because I really need this job.
Wish me luck!
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